Public Directory


Who should join the NZHIA?

You should! If you're reading this website, it's likely you have an interest in the economic and health benefits of hemp grown and processed here in NZ.

  • Businesses who already work in or want to become involved in the emerging NZ iHemp industry.
  • Individuals who want to keep up-to-date and register their interest in the iHemp industry.
  • Consumers who seek health benefits from Hemp products for their families, and want to support the industry and local businesses.
  • Grass-root supporters and investors who want to see iHemp succeed in NZ.
  • International businesses looking to work with iHemp businesses in NZ.

Hey wait a second!Do you love hemp as much as we do?

Subscribe to our newsletter for the latest NZ hemp updates and get our ‘2021 Hemp Food Recipe Book’ as a free download and 'thank you' for joining the family.

The Hemp Nog shown here is one recipe of many that you'll find in our 2021 Hemp Food Recipe Book.