Ministry of Business Innovation & Employment (MBIE) Reports

The Ministry of Business Innovation & Employment (MBIE) have been working on a Circular Economy and Bioeconomy Strategy – Enabling a low emissions circular economy with a sustainable bioeconomy for Aotearoa New Zealand.  New Zealand’s Emissions Reduction Plan includes an action to develop a Circular Economy and Bioeconomy Strategy. In 2023 the focus was on research and …

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Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI)

The Ministry for Primary Industries is the public service department of New Zealand charged with overseeing, managing and regulating the farming, fishing, food, animal welfare, biosecurity, and forestry sectors of New Zealand’s primary industries. www.mpi.govt.nzContact MPI here Facilitating Growth: A Sapere Report prepared for MPI This report was commissioned by the Ministry for Primary Industries …

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Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ)

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) develops food standards for Australia and New Zealand. www.foodstandards.govt.nzContact FSANZ here Food Safety The New Zealand Food Safety Authority (NZFSA) is responsible for the administration of the Food (Safety) Regulations 2002, which came into effect on 20 December 2002. These regulations incorporate a specific permission for the legal sale …

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Callaghan Innovation  

New Zealand’s Innovation Agency – Callaghan Innovation is a Crown entity providing Research and Development services, funding & training to help businesses grow faster. Supplying businesses with support in:– Startups– Funding– Research and Development– Networking and Partnerships– Education www.callaghaninnovation.govt.nzContact Callaghan Innovation here Whole Plant Utilisation The goals of the following Callaghan Innovation workshops and white …

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