NZ iHemp 2021 Summit & Expo
Growing the Future
Welcome to the homepage of the 2021 iHemp Summit and Expo 19-22 May 2021, Rotorua
The NZHIA AGM and a welcome reception will be held on Wednesday afternoon 19th May. The Summit and Expo will be on Thursday and Friday. A public Expo and Seminar day will be on Saturday the 22nd May 2021
Hold the date – More information will be available in the new year, we will keep you informed when our website goes live with details of the program and speakers
NZHIA iHemp 2021 Summit and Expo
Starting 19 May to 22 May – Rotorua
Want to know more about the Aotearoa/New Zealand iHemp industry?
come along and find out why more people are turning onto the new hemp industry

From milk to hemp hearts which are rich in fibre, full of proteins and contain well-balanced fats. The summit will highlight the opportunities for NZ food producers and exporters, as well as the challenges that need to be overcome.

Can be used for construction, clothing, 3D printing, composites & much more. The summit will highlight the lastest high-tech uses of hemp fibre, the opportunities open right now and the market barriers that we can collectively seek to break down.

A proven medicine for fibromyalgia, arthritis, pain and a range of mental health ailments. The use of cannabinoids, flavonoids and terpenes “CTF’ in medicines is just the start – as the wider wellness industry is beginning to unlock the secrets of hemp. There is no doubt CBD and full plant spectrum products are a significantly growing market, one where NZ must do things differently to compete. The summit will explore the opportunities.
For more information, or to register your interest for either event – please contact us using the form below.
Contact the event organiser
Use the details below or the contact form to the right to get in touch.
Event Organiser: Richard Barge
Contact Phone: +64 021 706 690