Be part of the NZHIA iHemp Investment & Discovery Tour and WIN!

We’ve had fantastic support from Hark & Zander, Hemp NZ and Pure Heart Aotearoa and we would like to thank them for their contributions to the prize draws and evening spot prizes. Here’s how you can win with the NZHIA iHemp Investment & Discovery Tour! Sign up or renew as an NZHIA member on the tour and go into the …

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2021 Summer Hemp Hamper

We love giving away hemp products and so do the prize contributors. So, sign up for the 2021 Summer Hemp Hamper for free and get another chance to enjoy beautiful and tasty NZ Hemp products. First Prize only: Chia Sisters – 350 ml Hemp + Cacao Banana Strawberry Chia * 6, 350 ml Hemp + …

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NZHIA Goals for Regulatory Change

Lobbying References: Hemp Industry Strategic Proposal for Regulatory Change Lobbying Lobbying Goals – What do you want the NZHIA to lobby for? We have asked you, our members for your feedback on what you want the association to focus on for lobbying; Results TBC References: Hemp Industry Strategic Proposal for Regulatory Change

Ministry of Business Innovation & Employment (MBIE) Reports

The Ministry of Business Innovation & Employment (MBIE) have been working on a Circular Economy and Bioeconomy Strategy – Enabling a low emissions circular economy with a sustainable bioeconomy for Aotearoa New Zealand.  New Zealand’s Emissions Reduction Plan includes an action to develop a Circular Economy and Bioeconomy Strategy. In 2023 the focus was on research and …

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The Hemp Nog shown here is one recipe of many that you'll find in our 2021 Hemp Food Recipe Book.