The NZHIA 2024 Media Campaign: A new industry for Aotearoa

Hemp has the power to transform our country, but we need to act fast. From economic benefits to environmental resilience, hemp can help New Zealand double exports and tackle climate challenges. The only way is up—let’s make hemp the next big industry for Aotearoa/New Zealand!

Hemp is poised to become a game-changer for Aotearoa/New Zealand, offering immense potential for the Farmers, Food, Fibre, and Wellness sectors. This remarkable plant has the power to transform our economy and environment, and the time to act is now.

Hemp cultivation can drive regional development. It thrives in various climates, making it an excellent rotational crop and a key player in climate change adaptation. Additionally, it can improve soil health through phytoremediation, helping to clean and condition soils while offering a new horticultural industry

Hemp ticks all the boxes—job creation, increased productivity, environmental benefits, and helping meet government goals of doubling exports in the next 10 years. It’s a win-win for everyone, and there’s no time to waste.

Call to Action

Get involved!

  1. Contact your MP and tell them about the benefits of hemp. Use this template letter or create your own—take action today!
  2. Share the good news. Support your local industry. At your next BBQ, ask your friends and family if they know about hemp and its incredible potential for New Zealand.
  3. Help educate the public. Support the NZ Hemp Industries Association (NZHIA) by purchasing their hemp bags and spreading the word.
  4. Join the conversation online. Follow our campaign, share posts, and educate your network

Feel strongly about the environment, economy, food, and housing? Take action today.

Why Hemp Matters

We need to educate consumers about these benefits, lets make it a topic around the BBQ this summer, and if you are interested in NZ hemp products and businesses, see the LINK – this is your chance to support the industry

Hemp is more than just a crop; it’s part of the solution to some of New Zealand’s biggest challenges. It supports sustainable agriculture, offers eco-friendly construction materials, and produces nutritious food. It’s a crop that can truly feed, clothe, and house us, and its benefits extend to health/wellness products, animal feed and pet nutrition too.

Hemp can feed, clothe, and house people, making it a versatile crop with potential in various industries. The Wellness sector also stands to benefit, particularly from hemp-derived cannabinoids CBD,, terpenes and flavonoids which can support health and wellness initiatives and innovation.

Hemp’s Potential for Farmers and the Environment

Farmers are already showing interest in hemp, especially its ability to enhance soil health and act as a climate-resilient crop. Hemp offers new materials and markets while producing fewer emissions by being a valuable addition to feed with its protein-rich seeds. Phytoremediation—the ability of hemp to clean soil—could also make it a key crop for sustainable farming.

A Regulatory Shift is Needed

Hemp is not a drug crop, and the Ministry of Health (MOH) has no place regulating farming and primary industries. The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) and the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) should be leading this industry, allowing for proper agricultural and economic development.

The aim of the three month media campaign is to put pressure on the government to announce a review of the iHemp regulations in this election cycle. If by December we have not had a number of PMP’s coming out for iHemp, then we will focus on the media and get them to ask the MP’s and Ministers, the hard questions will you support/enable the iHemp industry …….

Call to Action

Now it’s your turn as part of the Hemp Army to take action and make first contact on behalf of iHemp. The Hemp Army is made up of people who are aware and interested in the iHemp industry and willing to take action.

Let’s push for change and make sure our government hears the voice of reason. Contact your local MP, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Primary Industries, and the Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment (MBIE).

Send them a clear message: get iHemp out of the Misuse of Drugs Act and Medicines Act. Allow New Zealand to unlock the economic and environmental opportunities this industry provides.

There are 3 ways you can help; please act and do one:

1) Contact the government with a simple letter demanding change

We’ve provided a standard letter template that you can personalize or use as is. Simply click the link below to generate your letter, and send it directly to the decision-makers at Let’s make our voices heard and ensure that the iHemp industry is no longer weighed down by outdated regulations. If you want to make more of an impact you can also send it to more government organisations and triple your impact. below is the link for the list of MPs and government contacts;

2) Contact the government with your own letter demanding change

If you want to write your own letter or use Chat GPT we suggest adding this keyword information to start creating your letter to

3) Contact the government with a personalised letter demanding change

We understand that you may not have the resources (or time) to create a personalised communication, but the association wants to help its members and network in any way we can. We can create a personalised letter from your industry perspective for only $3.00! To learn more about this service, please visit the link below. For those looking to make an even bigger impact, we also offer a comprehensive package for $360 that includes personalised letters addressed to all MPs.

The government needs to get out of the way—let’s remove iHemp from MODA and the Medicines Act, and move forward into a sustainable future for New Zealand.

There’s no good reason to continue holding iHemp back. The time is now for the government to remove the barriers and support an industry that can deliver for Aotearoa.

To see a review of the 3 part media campaign click here


Feel strongly about the environment, economy, food, and housing? Take action today.

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The Hemp Nog shown here is one recipe of many that you'll find in our 2021 Hemp Food Recipe Book.