A Higher Calling: How Israeli Marijuana Research Changed the World

https://joom.ag/u8Pe – iHemp #8 Oct 2019 As much of the world debates how to address marijuana use, the vast majority of American states have legalized it or allow it for medical purposes. Global pharmaceutical companies and hospitals seeking effective treatments using cannabis should look to Professor Raphael Mechoulam, a scientist at Hebrew University. Mechoulam, a pioneer …

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Cannabis’s Entourage Effect: Why Whole Plant Medicine Matters

Take a closer look at your cannabis buds… https://joom.ag/u8Pe â€“ iHemp #8 Oct 2019 They’re covered in a sticky dusting of crystal resin, which contains hundreds of therapeutic compounds known as cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids (CTF). We assume you’re well acquainted with THC and CBD, but these are just two among many important players working together …

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Charlotte’s Web: A specific strain of cannabis high in CBD and low in THC

A specific strain of cannabis high in CBD and low in THC https://joom.ag/u8Pe â€“ iHemp #8 Oct 2019 Charlotte’s Web is a hemp cultivar that was specifically bred by the Stanley Brothers of Colorado for its high CBD and low THC content. Charlotte’s Web was developed in 2011 by the Stanley brothers through crossbreeding a strain …

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iHemp Magazine #8 The CBD Economy P2

THE CBD ECONOMY P2 How Israeli Marijuana Research Changed the World Green Fairy Layer Sue Grey talks about the law surrounding hemp/cannabis as a food CBD Infused Foods in NZ? CBD Food/Cosmetics: Driven by Demand Cannabis’s Entourage Effect: Why Whole Plant Medicine Matters 6 Tips Growing for Biomass iHemp #8 Oct 2019 – https://joom.ag/u8Pe

Collaborate with the University of Canterbury on an Industry Project

Collaborate with the University of Canterbury, College of Engineering, on an Industry Project Have you put off starting a project because you don’t have the time or resources to tackle it right now? Could you benefit from in-depth research or consultancy for your organisation? The University of Canterbury, College of Engineering, may be able to …

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The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) explained

The biggest story behind the, Marijuana Hooplah is the discovery of the Endocannabinoid System (ECS). https://joom.ag/XAde/p10 https://youtu.be/ACcQMuQdHks The ECS promotes Homeostasis, which is the balance and fine tuning of all of the 11 major physiological systems insuring they are all working in harmony with one another. That’s why cannabis seems to bring balance to many ailments. …

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Government Hypocrisy – US Patent No: 6,630,507 B1

While you were napping in 2003, the US Govt. Department of Health & Human Services registered a patent on Cannabinoids as Antioxidants and Neuroprotectants. US Patent No: 6,630,507 B1 That’s pretty weird because another branch of the same government the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) on the 2nd of Aug 2019, continued to maintain that Cannabis …

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Cannabidiol (CBD) explained

Cannabidiol (CBD) is the most abundant cannabinoid naturally present in the industrial hemp plant and it’s extracts. CBD is non psychotropic, non-intoxicating, non-addictive and very well tolerated by humans, even in large doses. At least 113 different cannabinoids have been isolated from the cannabis plant. The most studied cannabinoids include tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). …

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