NZHIA 2021-2022 Licencees Survey
Thank you for assisting the NZHIA by completing the 2021-2022 Licencees Survey. To help us in reaching and collecting data from as many respondents as possible, we would appreciate it if you could recommend any other growers by sharing this page or using the social share links below the survey.
NZHIA Blog: iHemp in the Clothing Industry
What are you wearing? Is it comfortable? Great. Do you know what it is made of? Or where it comes from and what will happen to it once you discard it? Perhaps it’s time to have a rethink on HOW we wear clothing. Our clothing consumer decisions support the industries who produce these items – …
NZHIA Podcasts & Media
This page is a forum to share and distribute podcasts and media created by the NZHIA. An Introduction to Hemp NZHIA Chair Richard Barge gives us a short introduction to the hemp industry in Aotearoa New Zealand. July 2023: LINK Hemp 101 NZHIA Chair Richard Barge talks about the industrial hemp industry in NZ; licencing, …
NZHIA Public Newsletter – December 2021
Kia ora, Welcome to your final NZHIA public newsletter for 2021, here’s a preview of the December updates, news and events. IN THIS ISSUE: • NZHIA Chair Update• Member Profile: Phytrac• Calling ALL licence holders!• Callaghan Innovation Whole Plant Utilisation Workshop: Post-event update• Webtools Hemp Licence Tool Update & Demo• The NZHIA product and service icons• Australian Industrial Hemp Conference• In the …
Press Release – 15 December 2021: Ministry of Primary Industries
MPI assessment of the potential for a new primary industry, based on industrial hemp. The NZHIA congratulate MPI on the release of their 60 page “Facilitating growth in the New Zealand Hemp Industry” report. The report was independently prepared by Sapere and recognises the industrial hemp industry is “rapidly developing internationally, driven by recent deregulation …
NZHIA Blog: The iHemp Ethos
How have you incorporated the iHemp ethos in your business practices? Growing iHemp is great for the environment – demand will rise as the industry grows, further benefitting the planet. iHemp products are praised for the benefits nature offers – are we respecting nature with the packaging and delivery choices too? Are there alternative options …