Capability Roadmaps from Callaghan Innovation

New Zealand’s hemp industry is still in its infancy but has the potential to make a significant contributor to the country’s economy. Callaghan Innovation can support your company in taking its innovation to the next level. Their service offerings include access to resources that help organisations of all sizes. Part of this resource is the …

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Could dairy factories pivot to plant proteins?

In short, yes. With a little bit of help from arable farming, “the silent partner to sheep, beef and dairy“. Dr. Simon Loveday, an AgResearch senior scientist, recently asked this question at the American Dairy Science Association’s 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting. Some interesting observations and insights can be gained for those in hemp growing in …

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Digitising for Sustainability with Webtools Agriculture

Webtools Agriculture is a diverse team of tech enthusiasts and developers who provide tech consulting, custom software development, and off-the-shelf solutions. The NZHIA have been working with Webtools and SFF Futures on the Digitise for Sustainability project to help Hemp Growers, Contractors and Merchants. Webtools have created technology to help companies succeed in the highly regulated hemp …

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NZHIA Blog: The nutritional benefits of Hemp

Hemp Seeds contain only trace amounts of THC, the psychoactive compound in marijuana, and are exceptionally nutritious and rich in healthy fats, protein, and various minerals. Our February 2021 iHemp Magazine is dedicated to hemp food and inside you’ll find recipes and helpful hints to add this superfood into your diet. Did you know? Hemp …

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NZHIA Presents – The Virtual Hemp Webinar Series 2020

The virtual hemp webinar series is an industrial hemp digital resource that includes knowledge and guidance from industry leaders, government officials, researchers, growers and manufacturers. The series is a collection of 11 episodes, with each webinar hosted by NZHIA Chairman Richard Barge. The panel of guest speakers present and the webinar concludes with a summary …

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The Hemp Nog shown here is one recipe of many that you'll find in our 2021 Hemp Food Recipe Book.