Hempseed Holdings Ltd – Industrial Cultivar Creators

Did you know that there are 19 approved industrial hemp cultivars in NZ? FIVE of which are generic landrace approved New Zealand cultivars developed by iHemp pioneer Donald “Mack” McIntosh who has been an integral part of the NZHIA as well as the foundations of the industrial hemp landscape in NZ. Brokered by New Zealand’s …

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Nature’s Data: Hemp Analytics

Nature’s Data is a British agri-tech start-up harnessing data analytics and precision farming to help hemp farmers improve yield, profitability and sustainability, worldwide. The founding idea? Using data to drive forward positive change in the global hemp industry and championing hemp as an environmental solution. They work on both a farmer level and a global …

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NZHIA Blog: How can the iHemp industry support a plastic-free future?

What does a plastic free future look like? Plastic Free July is a global initiative set up to encourage awareness of the usage of plastic in our society as a whole and the alternative choices available to those who care to reduce the environmental impact of plastic waste. Check out their website full of inspiration …

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The Hemp Nog shown here is one recipe of many that you'll find in our 2021 Hemp Food Recipe Book.