Building with Hemp for a regenerative future

“Out of the ashes of the Christchurch earthquake rebuild rose a desire in me to change the inefficiencies in the building industry,” says Antoine Tane from Kohu Hemp, a builder with 10 years experience, whose father is an architect. “We have a program called Educate to Regenerate (  Where we plan to teach people everything …

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Retrofitting with Hempcrete

Laura and John reside in Eastern Bay of Plenty in a small town called Ōpōtiki.  They are borderline obsessed with hempcrete and growing a flourishing hemp industry. Two years ago, Laura attended New Zealand’s first hemp summit.  She was eager to meet like minded hemp lovers and learn more about building with hemp.  Unfortunately, hemp …

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New Zealand vs Australia: Hemp construction

Aussie is further down the hemp construction track than NZ. This shouldn’t be so, considering we had the same 2006 starting point. Klara Marosszeky (Managing Director of the Australian Hemp Masonry Company)  recounts: “I first became interested in hemp in 1999. At that time the NSW Department of Primary Industries position on hemp was “It’s …

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Try before you “buy” (build) – Air BnB Hemp Studio in Wanaka

“People really appreciate being inside our Hemp Studio, because it’s like being in a cocoon really.  Due to the dense walls, there is no echo and an absence of outside noise” explains Barbara, the proud owner of the first NZ hempcrete house built by a building firm. “It was a big leap for me being …

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6 Reasons to build with Hemp

Find out more about this incredible commodity and how it can help the New Zealand construction industry in the latest iHemp Magazine – Fibre Construction. # 1 Impact of the global climate crisis on NZ The construction industry globally is responsible for 25% of all carbon emissions. To address this statistic and the impact it …

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NZHIA Blog: Hemp Fibre in Construction

“Hempcrete can help to build a home that has a very low carbon foot print, and maybe even a negative one” so says Keith Stubbs from Hawea Grove, a finalist in the 2020 Sustainable Business Awards. We are sure that the pioneering group of New Zealanders who along with Keith, have built with iHemp would …

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The Hemp Nog shown here is one recipe of many that you'll find in our 2021 Hemp Food Recipe Book.