The Legal Foundation for our iHemp Industry

This article explains iHemp’s relationship with the UN Single Convention 1961 and includes comments on the European Union rules. It is based on a Council of the European Union non-paper. The regulatory system in Aotearoa/New Zealand (and most other countries) is based on the UN Single Convention 1961, and the amendments in the Convention on …

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Sale of Hemp Flowers and Leaves

A German Federal Supreme Court Says…SALE OF HEMP FLOWERS AND LEAVES IS LEGAL…except for Intoxicating Purposes. In its ruling of 24 March 2021, the German Federal Court of Justice (BGH) stated that the sale of hemp flowers and leaves to end consumers is not prohibited. The ruling strengthens the legal position for the sale of …

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iHemp Summit 2021 – Video on Demand

We’ve been hard at work editing and preparing the video footage for the iHemp Summit 2021, two days worth of speaker presentations will be available to watch soon. As part of their delegate package, all participants will receive the content for free, and members will receive a special discount offer to access over 9 hours …

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How many valuable compounds, features & parts can you get from a tree?

Scion is a Crown Research Institute that specialises in research, science and technology development for the forestry, wood product, wood-derived materials, and other biomaterial sectors. There is no shortage of commercial applications for hemp. From food to bioplastics and even biocomposite construction materials like ‘hempcrete’ (hemp fibres and lime), it is clear the fibrous plant …

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NZHIA Blog: Social media marketing and advertising for iHemp

Awareness and engagement are key to sustaining and growing your iHemp business.  So what approach should you take?  What works best for iHemp advertising? What routes have you tried? Is advertising using the word “hemp” allowed? NZHIA has looked into this conundrum to collate a reference guide of key points, to assist members. Are there …

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The differences between Industrial Hemp, Medicinal Cannabis and Marijuana

In the latest issue of iHemp Magazine, we place a special spotlight on the 2021 iHemp Expo and Seminars. The expo day presented the opportunity for industry experts to voice discussions on both industrial hemp and medicinal cannabis and their places in New Zealand. Here we take a special look at the key differences between …

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Using the whole hemp plant with Scion

New sustainable products can be created from the whole of the hemp plant by combining biorefinery and manufacturing technologies. Scion research and development options Scion can help hemp growers, product designers and innovative brands to cultivate and use this plant in new sustainable products that are carbon neutral and will contribute to the growing circular …

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The Hemp Nog shown here is one recipe of many that you'll find in our 2021 Hemp Food Recipe Book.